Being Present - Tumblr Posts
Living in the present.
Being true to yourself.
Doing what comes naturally to you.
Spreading unconditional love.
Genuine appreciation for all that already is.
Having positive intentions.
Always FEEL you already have “enough” in the present moment. To always attract having enough.
Volunteering is a great way to spread unconditional love. Also, a way to take action when we feel stuck in our situation.
The best is yet to come.
Spread love with your thoughts, words and actions.
Believe you have enough in the present moment
Wanting implies lack
Constant gratitude helps
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
—Eckhart Tolle
“Give yourself a gift, the present moment.”
—Marcus Aurelius
One way to know if you’re in a high vibration/zero point field?
Contentment. You’re good either way. Whether something you want happens or it doesn’t happen. You are fine with the way things are. You accept the present moment just as it is without really needing anything external or any person from the outside to make you happy. Your inner state is relaxed/at peace. The emotion is the key.