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Devon thinks she'd be a good candidate for a lobotomy
i tell Devon I'm glad we exist simultaneously
she asks me if I'm going to art school
regret wraps itself around my no
devon shows me her art
she turns her art teacher into Christ at the last supper
she asks if we're all fucked
i didnt know the context but the answer was obvious
she teaches me about my eyes
in the stories we tell about ourselves we're the antagonists
we play supervillain so we can pretend we are not hurt
violent fantasies bely vicious vociferosity
i tell Devon we're like convergent evolution
different formulas but the conclusion remains the same
devon tells me she disliked me because i was interesting
devon compliments me
devon doesnt intend to
happy out of touch thursday
CatCFember - Day 18 - Only the Stars Turkentine/Bill - (written to this song)
'England, October 8th 1971. Two men share a silent moment in the dead of night, just to be.'
The night was dark, and bitterly cold. It often was in their humble town; the winters felt like they grew harsher each year, draining colour the streets could barely afford…
But not this year. This year felt different.
Perhaps he was still recovering in the wake of recent commotion- a candyman can only take so much- but he could have sworn the nights had grown warmer since October 1st. Like something had changed in preparation for a new era, like the streets were less dreary, the frost less numbing on his skin.
But there, then, as he sat in the middle of a pitch-black field, on the most remote hill, Bill did not care whether it was freezing ice nor scorching heat. There, then, as he sat under a sky with no moon, with a man deemed his sun: nothing else mattered.
David rested his head softly against his partner’s shoulder, a tired silence shared between the two. As they stared upon the horizon, both were lost more in their own thoughts than the silhouette sea of barely-legible houses. Other than the factory that never slept, no one in their right mind would be up that late; at least, no one with nothing to hide. No one like them.
The two older men were each other's secret, and only there, only then, in the dead of night on a pitch-black hill, could they find a moment’s safety in eachother’s cold embrace.
No. Out there, only the stars knew.
What is up gamers, it's your favourite boi-turned-girl, coming at you live from the hell-hole known as The Front.