Waterfowl - Tumblr Posts
Visit for breakfast.
It is a perfect day at Lac Dupuis from the Laurentian Mountains, Québec, Canada.
One of Canada's most iconic species across the country.
I spoke with a few Waterfowl Biologists including some of the foremost authorities on duck biology on many occasions and let me tell you that I cherish, or most beloved, Ducks even more. Why?
Because life for a Mallard is really not easy and once they reach adulthood, the survival is about 70 percent per year and that means the chance for a pair to make it through one year together is 49 percent. So if you keep going with that math you will soon realize the chance for them of being together six years is only a 1.4 percent
There are simply too many predators who likes to eat nesting eggs and new borns like Hawks, Owls, Raccoons, Snakes, Skunks, Fox, Eagles, Coyotes, Snapping Turtles, etc…
And lets not forget a tremendous amount of Hunters and I know perfectly well what they will say to defend themselves which is "they are an invasive species!" So as Humans on this planet and we're not hunting ourselves. But to me it is "still" an eye opener.
Goodnight all you beautiful people 💤🌃🌆🌉🌌😴
Sleep well with afro duck watching over you ❣️ no bad dreams on his watch
Hooray! It’s time once again to visit the Duck Fashion Show, where haute couture meets sassy waterfowl models. For the past 30 years Australian farmer Brian Harrington has been dressing up and showing off his Famous Ducks at the Fashionable Ducks Show, held during Sydney’s annual Royal Easter Show. Harrington works with a professional dressmaker who individually styles each duck in an impressively elaborate costume. The outfits range from day and evening wear, in both modern and period styles, to fancy bridal wear. Each year the beautifully dressed-up ducks waddle parade along a duck-sized runway before an enthusiastic crowd that numbers in the hundreds.
Visit Brian Harrington’s website to learn more about his fabulous Famous Ducks.
[via Design Taxi]
Loons & Loonlets, Jey Schroeder, Longville, MN, 2022
Loon on a green lake, Jey Schroeder, Longville, MN, 2022
in flight, Jey Schroeder, Desoto NWR, 2023
Mallard Calling, Jey Schroeder, 2023