Queen Eclipsa - Tumblr Posts
Star and Eclipsa the queen of darkness who else was emotionally wrecked after this season
I haven’t been able to draw very much lately so have some quick Eclipsa Butterflies
disappears back into hiatus lmfao
♠️I’m gonna miss Eclipsa♠️
Eclipsa, Queen of Mewni, to a Mewman king was wed, but took a monster for her love and away from Mewni fled
Been rewatching some of my favorite cartoons and wanted to draw my favorite queen 👑
I just realised how many of my favourite characters are women who could just kill me or have a nice cup of tea with me
OK I have a theory, you know jushtin the uncalculated,Skywynnes first son, well in the book of spells it is said that jushtin has to give up his thrown due to the fact that it is a monarchy (the butterfly family). And solaria was bon to be a girl after the moon pod confirmed the gender. But I was thinking, what if, the reason why the butterfly family is monarchy, is because men, biologically, in the butterfly family, were infertile. I mean we don't hear about jushtins children at all. and in the book of spells, in eclipas chapter we hear that, when she was forced to dance with prince shastican,and marry. Is when we hear that when jushtin was sent off to marry a cousin of shastian [I believe] we hear that nothing benefited from the marriage. Due to the fact that the men, biologically, in the butterfly family is infertile. So that's why shastican and eclipsa were forcefly engaged to each other, not only to get the spider bites resources. But to fix that arrangement, so that way everything was good with the spider bites, financially and beneficially. I believe jushtin was sent to the spider bites to unites the resources of them to help aid in the war. And when that didn't work, they decided that eclipsa and shastican should make up for it.
aRT-DuMP FiLe 101
MooD: CoNTeMPT 😔
aRTiST(?): Me. (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): i'Ve DeCiDeD To FiNiSH a MaRCH 2019 aRT CoNCePT THeN a MaRCH 2020 LiNeaRT SKeTCH.. 😅
(aND WHeN i SaY MY VeRSioN, iT MeaNS i WaNTeD To GiVe QueeN eCLiPSa a PRoPeR(?) aTTiRe FiTTiNG To HeR TiTLe: MoNSTeR QueeN.)
NoW LeT Me aNNoTaTe HeR GeT-uP:
eCLiPSa'S WeaRiNG a BaLL GoWN iN a Hue oF BoYSeNBeRRY WHiCH iS iNSPiReD oN a 440-450 BC PaDuaSoY LiKe SiLHoueTTe WiTH a CLouD aND HeaTHeR CoLouReD NeCKLiNe aND SLeeVeS WiTH VaRiouS eMBRoiDeReD PaTTeRN oF RoSeS. 🌹 THe GoWN HaS a MauVe GeoRGeTTe FLouNCe oR SKiRT DeTaiL ReSeMBLiNG aN oPeNiNG FLoWeR BuD, FiNiSHiNG WiTH a LaRGe eMBeLLiSHMeNT oF a SaNGRia BuTTeRFLY PLaCeD oN THe RiGHT WaiST. 🦋
NoW To aCCeNTuaTe eCLiPSa'S TiTLe oF BeiNG a MoNSTeR QueeN (aSiDe FRoM WeaRiNG HeR uSuaL PeaRL iMBeDDeD CReSCeNT MooN eaRRiNGS 🌘), We BeSToW HeR a SoLiD GoLD aND PLaTiNuM CRoWN 👑 oN a SHaPe oF a DRaGoNS HoRN, PaiReD WiTH a CReSCeNT MooN FRoNT PieCe eNGRaVeD WiTH ViNeS aND a SPaDe SYMBoL. THe MaiN CeNTeR PieCe oF THe CRoWN iS a
545.67 CaRaT FaCeTeD "PouDReTTeiTe" GeM 💎 WHiCH iS a FiNe GiFT SHe GoT FRoM HeR BeLoVeD MoNSTeR HuSBaND/KiNG (GLoBGoR). 👹💗
YeaH-YeaH... THe DReSS/GoWN iS a "MeSS" BuT HeCK YaH! WiTH MY CRoWN DeSiGN!! °\(^o^)/°
I love You.
I feel ugly seeing you cry. it's too much for me