63 posts
Lookingforpoint - LookingForPoint - Tumblr Blog
It will never get better, it will only get worse every day.
Just what the hell? is this your explanation for what happened to Chloe and Max? Guys, this is terrible… In my life, I managed to burn "a lot of bridges", break up so many different relationships. I can definitely be called "the worst". But to destroy such a relationship? I don't even know who you have to be. And I definitely need a detailed explanation of what happened, and not a couple of lines of dialogue or a diary entry! I was ready to buy early access tomorrow and start playing, but now I definitely DO NOT.
I think too much…
It's time to stop doing that
“Apply for that job. Date that person. Buy that plane ticket. Move to that city. Do all the things that scare you, because they’re worth it.”
— Unknown