aoisouken - あおい創建|aoisouken

35 posts

Soundproofing For Custom-built Homes

Soundproofing for custom-built homes

Soundproofing For Custom-built Homes

@aoisouken_official ← Click here for useful housing information!

▶Soundproofing of custom-built housing

Protection of privacy, and to create a relaxing environment for the homeowner. Many people want to incorporate soundproofing measures when they build a house. soundproofing measures.

In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of soundproofing. In this article, we will discuss the merits and demerits of soundproofing measures!

Soundproofing measures for building a custom-built house: A thorough explanation!

Soundproofing measures differ depending on the type of sound you are concerned about. Soundproofing measures for custom-built houses differ depending on the type of sound you are concerned about. Noise, the sounds of daily life, each requires its own countermeasures. Identify which type of sound you are concerned about, and use it to your advantage. and use it to your advantage in soundproofing measures.

It is recommended that soundproofing measures be taken at the time of new construction. Soundproofing at the time of new construction is less expensive and more effective. The cost can triple during remodeling. Planning in the early stages is the best way to avoid additional costs in the future.

What are the soundproofing methods for custom-built homes? Methods of soundproofing a custom-built house vary from place to place. For exterior noise, methods to improve the building's thermal insulation and airtightness are used, Sound insulation mats and sound-absorbing materials are effective for exterior noise, and sound insulation mats and sound-absorbing materials are effective for interior noise.

Soundproofing of custom-built houses is also effective for other sounds. Soundproofing is also effective against pet noises and talking, It also contributes to the protection of privacy. It also contributes to the protection of privacy. It protects the family's privacy while creating a comfortable living space.

What are the benefits? Soundproofing is effective for good sleep and stress reduction. Reducing external noise improves the quality of sleep. Stress about noise concerns to neighbors will be reduced, and the family will be able to relax, and everyone in the family can spend their time in a relaxed manner.

Security may also be a disadvantage… Soundproofing also has its disadvantages. Sometimes, it is because it blocks important warning sounds from the outside, security risks may arise. It is important to understand in advance that it is not a panacea.

Conclusion While soundproofing in a custom-built house improves the quality of life, Security considerations must also be taken into account. Plan for a balanced approach. Choose the most appropriate method considering the surrounding environment and your lifestyle.

We hope you will find this information useful in your home building. Please take a look at our website for more information ✨. ///////////////////////////////////////////

We also provide other useful information for home building and We also introduce other useful information for home building and construction case studies. ▶ @aoisouken_official Please feel free to take a look!

Aoi Souken for custom-built houses, remodeling and renovation in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan!



@aoisouken_official ←お役に立つ住宅情報はこちら!


プライバシーの保護、 リラックスできる環境づくりなどの面から 家づくりの際に取り入れたいと考える方も 多い防音対策。

今回は、そんな防音対策について メリット・デメリットも含めてお届けします!


1.気になる音の種類で、防音対策が異なる 注文住宅の防音対策は、気になる音の種類に応じて異なります。 騒音、生活音、それぞれに合った対策が必要です。 ご自身が、どの音を気にされているのかを洗い出して 防音対策に活かしましょう。

2.防音対策は新築時に行うのがおすすめ 新築時の防音対策はコストが抑えられ、効果も高いです。 リフォーム時には費用が3倍になることもあります。 初期段階での計画は、将来的な追加費用を避ける最良の方法です。

3.注文住宅の防音対策方法とは? 注文住宅の防音対策方法は、場所によって異なります。 外部音には建物の断熱性能と気密性納を向上させる工法や、 生活音などは遮音マットや吸音材を使用する方法が効果的です。

4.注文住宅の防音対策はその他の音にも有効 防音対策はペットの鳴き声や話し声などにも効果があり、 プライバシー保護にも貢献します。 家族のプライバシーを守りつつ、快適な居住空間を実現します。

5.気になる効果は? 防音対策は快眠効果やストレスの軽減に効果があります。 外部の騒音を軽減することで睡眠の質が向上します。 また、近所への音の心配に対するストレスが軽減し、 家族みんながのびのびと過ごせるようになります。

6.防犯面のデメリットとなることも… 防音対策にもデメリットはあります。 時には外部からの重要な警告音を遮ってしまうため、 防犯リスクが生じることも。 万能ではないことを予め把握しておきましょう。

まとめ 注文住宅での防音対策は、生活の質を向上させる一方で、 防犯面での考慮も必要です。 バランスの取れた対策を計画しましょう。 周囲の環境や生活スタイルを考慮し、最適な方法を選びましょう。

ぜひ皆様の家づくりの 参考にしてみてください✨ ///////////////////////////////////////////

他にも家づくりに役立つ情報や、 施工事例を紹介しています。 ▶ @aoisouken_officialから お気軽にご覧ください!



More Posts from Aoisouken

2 months ago

Custom home quotes: a thorough explanation!

Custom Home Quotes: A Thorough Explanation!

Custom home quotes: a thorough explanation

@aoisouken_official ←For more useful housing information!

▶To do or not to do? Or not? Thorough explanation of cross-estimation

When building a custom-built house, it is important to get quotes from multiple companies. When building a custom-built house, you should get quotes from several companies.

In this article, we will focus on the advantages We hope you will find it useful in your homebuilding!

Please take a look at it as a reference Please take a look at it as a reference when building your home ✨.

What is the case of not getting a cross-quote for a custom-built house? A cost estimate is a comparison of quotes from multiple companies. If you have a personal relationship or If you have a personal relationship or a specific trust, there are cases where you do not get quotes from multiple companies.

Reason 1: You know someone who works for a residential construction company. If a relative or friend is in the building business, a request for construction may be made without obtaining a competitive quote. Reason (2) You yourself are a home builder. If you are in the building industry yourself, you have access to industry knowledge and direct resources, and direct resources, and may omit quotes from other companies. Reason (3): You are an admired home builder. Some clients may request a specific architectural firm to build a custom-built house based on their strong admiration There are cases in which a client requests the construction of a custom-built house from a specific company based on strong admiration, brand, or reputation.

It is better to get a competitive quotation! When building a custom-built house, we recommend that you get a competitive quote. The reason for this is to improve cost transparency and to allow comparison of services. ● Confirmation of fair price By comparing multiple estimates, you will be able to see the appropriate price line. Also, By comparing various proposals, you can choose the best plan for your budget. Compatibility with yourself You will have as many encounters as the number of requests for quotations you make. In order to get closer to your ideal house building, it is important to have a good match between the company and the person in charge. ● Obtaining multifaceted information A quotation is a good opportunity to gather information from multiple perspectives. It is important to obtain information from various perspectives to avoid being influenced by biased information.

Other useful information for home building and, Construction examples are introduced here. ▶ From @aoisouken_official Please feel free to take a look!

For custom-built homes, remodeling, and renovations in Miyagi Prefecture, contact Aoisouken!

注文住宅の相見積もり 徹底解説

@aoisouken_official ←その他の役立つ住宅情報はこちら!


注文住宅づくりをする際、複数社に 見積もりをとる「相見積もり」。

今回は、相見積もりをするメリット を中心にお届けします!

ぜひ皆様の家づくりの 参考にしてみてください✨

注文住宅で相見積もりをとらないケースとは? 相見積もりとは、複数の企業から見積もりをとり比較すること。個人的な関係や 特定の信頼がある場合は、相見積もりをとらないケースもあります。

理由①住宅建築会社の知り合いがいる 親族や友人が建築業を営んでいる場合、相見積もりを取らずに建築依頼をすることがあります。 理由②ご自身が住宅建築会社 ご自身が建築業界に従事している場合、業界知識と直接的なリソースを活用し、 他社の見積もりを省略することがあります。 理由③あこがれの住宅建築会社 強い憧れ・ブランド・評判をもとに、はじめから特定の建築会社に注文住宅を 建築依頼するケースもあります。

●相見積もりを取る方がいい! 注文住宅を建てる際は、相見積もりをおすすめしています。 その理由は、コストの透明性の向上とサービス内容の比較ができるからです。 ●適正価格の確認 複数の見積もりを比較することで、価格の適正ラインが見えてきます。また、 様々な提案を比較することで、ご自身の予算に最適なプランを選ぶことができます。 ●ご自身との相性 相見積もりを依頼した数だけ、出会いが生まれます。 ご自身が理想とする家づくりに近づけるためには、企業と担当との相性も重要です。 ●多角的な情報が得られる 相見積もりは、多角的な情報を集める良い機会です。 偏った情報に流されないためにも、様々な視点から情報を得ることが重要です。

他にも家づくりに役立つ情報や、 施工事例を紹介しています。 ▶ @aoisouken_officialから お気軽にご覧ください!


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3 months ago
Aoi Soken's House BuildingGiving Shape To The Dreams Of Our CustomersAt Aoi Soken, We Value The Hopes

Aoi Soken's House Building Giving shape to the dreams of our customers At Aoi Soken, we value the hopes and dreams of each and every one of our clients, We listen carefully to each client's wishes and dreams. We will create the best plan for your once-in-a-lifetime home construction We will create the best plan for your once-in-a-lifetime home, according to your budget. We have established performance and specification standards. We will make a corporate effort to reduce the budget, while maintaining the housing performance, We propose a home that can be lived in safely and comfortably for a long time. Sash: Resin triple Low-E glass (with argon gas) Thermal insulation performance: UA value of 0.5 or less Seismic performance: Grade 3 Ventilation equipment: Class 1 ventilation system Anti-termite measures: Boric acid wood treatment (pesticide-free, very safe, and long-lasting) Full support and warranty 10-year ground warranty, warranty against defects, and termite warranty are provided. We support a secure living environment through periodic mansion inspections. Our long-lasting relationship with our customers begins after the house is built. We want to maintain a relationship in which we can easily consult with our customers We are always ready to help you with any small problem. Remodeling and renovation Aoi Soken is ready to assist you with any problems you may have, such as a change in family structure, replacement of home equipment, or any other problems you may be facing. Aoi Soken also provides support for consultations regarding changes in family structure, replacement of home equipment, and a variety of other problems. We will make various proposals to make your home healthy and easy to live in for a long time, We will make a variety of proposals to make your home healthy and easy to live in for many years to come. From day-to-day problems to remodeling, you can trust your home to Aoi Soken.

At Aoi Soken, we value the dreams of each and every one of our customers, We will create a comfortable home with the latest technology. Let us work with you to create your ideal home.

あおい創建の家づくり ・お客様の夢を形に あおい創建は、お客様の一人ひとりの希望や夢を大切に、 丁寧なヒアリングを行います。 一生に一度の家づくりを、ご予算に合わせて 最適なプランで実現します。 ・性能と仕様基準を設けています。 予算をかけないように企業努力を行いながら住宅性能を単ぷし、 安心・快適に末永く住み続けられる住まいのご提案をいたします。 サッシ:樹脂トリプルLow-Eガラス(アルゴンガス入り) 断熱性能:UA値0.5以下 耐震性能:等級3 換気設備 第一種換気システム 白アリ対策:ホウ酸木部処理(無農薬でとても安心、長期継続) 充実のサポート・保証 地盤保証・瑕疵担保・シロアリ保証を10年間提供。 定期邸な点検で安心の住生活をサポートします。 お家を建ててからがお客様との末長いお付きあいの始まり。 どんな小さなことでも気軽にご相談いただける関係に あり続けたいと考えています。 ・リフォーム、リノベーション 家族構成が変わった、住宅設備の買い替え、その他様々なお困り事等の ご相談もあおい創建がサポート。 愛着のあるご自宅を健康的に住みやすく末永くお使いいただけるよう、 色々なご提案をさせていただきます。 日々のお困りごとからリフォームまであおい創建にお任せください。

あおい創建では、お客様一人ひとりの夢を大切にし、 最新の技術で快適な住まいを実現します。 私たちと一緒に理想の家を創り上げましょう。


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2 months ago

Sophisticated design of the washbasin

Sophisticated Design Of The Washbasin

『The best way to create a comfortable life for you』

Indirect lighting and mortar-like material and mortar-like materials give it a modern and stylish impression.

石巻市の注文住宅を手掛ける工務店|あおい創建 -

@aoisouken_official ←その他の役立つ住宅情報はこちら! 『⼼地よい暮らしのお⼿伝い』


間接照明と、モルタル調の素材で モダンでスタイリッシュな印象に。

ぜひ皆様の家づくりの 参考にしてみてください✨

他にも家づくりに役立つ情報や、 施工事例を紹介しています。 ▶ @aoisouken_officialから お気軽にご覧ください!


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3 months ago
Aoi Soken|What Is "ZEH," The Home Of The Future?

Aoi Soken|What is "ZEH," the home of the future?

▶What is "ZEH," the home of the future?

Eco-friendly, economical, and comfortable!

Aoi Soken proposes a sustainable lifestyle.

What is ZEH (Net Zero Energy House)?

ZEH combines high thermal insulation, high-efficiency equipment, and renewable energy,

Cost reduction

ZEH is a house that achieves an annual energy balance of zero.

High thermal insulation and efficient equipment significantly reduce utility costs.

In addition, solar power generation creates an energy balance!

Comfort and health protection

It is easy to maintain a constant room temperature, cool in summer and warm in winter.

In addition, the entire house can be efficiently heated in the winter, which reduces the risk of heat shock caused by sudden temperature changes.

This also helps prevent accidents caused by heat shock due to sudden temperature changes.

Disaster Resilience

Resilience (the ability to withstand disasters and to live independently after a disaster) can also be strengthened.

(the ability to withstand disasters and to live independently after a disaster) is another merit of ZEH.

With on-site power generation and storage, a stable power supply is possible even in the event of a disaster.

Peace of mind in times of emergency.

All Aoi Soken employees undergo training on ZEH, and we are committed to providing our customers with the latest housing technology and optimal solutions.

We are making optimal proposals to our customers based on the latest housing technology.

























Aoisouken Miyagi Ishinomaki Japan

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3 months ago

Aoi Soken|Cheap house building? Five ways to build a house that won't cost you a fortune


Aoi Soken|Cheap House Building? Five Ways To Build A House That Won't Cost You A Fortune

Aoi Soken|Cheap house building? Five ways to build a house without spending a lot of money

▶Can you build a house cheaply? Five ways to build a house without spending a lot of money

I want to reduce the cost of a custom-built house as much as possible!

I want to spend money in some areas and cut costs in others!

But I want to build a safe house!

We hope you will read this article.

Please take a look at it as a reference for your own home building.

Please take a look at it as a reference ✨.

5 points for building a house at a low cost

Building a house is a big purchase, but there are ways to reduce the cost. Here are five ways to build a house at a low cost from our perspective as a construction company.

For custom-built homes, remodeling, and renovations in Miyagi Prefecture, contact Aoi Soken!

build a full two-story house

A two-story house is cheaper than a one-story house. This is because the area of the foundation and roof is halved. For example, the same floor space can be used for a two-story house, but the area of the foundation and roof is smaller, so the cost can be reduced. 2.

single-flow roof

The cheapest roof shape is a single-slope roof. It is a simple shape that reduces construction costs. However, it is important to choose a reliable installer, as there are many problems with this type of roof.

window optimization

Large windows and many windows are costly. Installing small windows only where they are needed will save money. There is also the option of not installing windows in bathrooms and toilets.

choose off-the-shelf products

Customization by special order or by building is expensive. You can save costs by choosing ready-made products. For example, ready-made kitchens and doors are less expensive.

avoid second-floor balconies

A balcony on the second floor will cost more for new construction and maintenance. Waterproofing and the risk of leaks also increases, so avoiding them can save money.


By following these points, you can reduce the cost of building a house. Please refer to them and build your house wisely.












1. 総二階建てにする


2. 屋根は片流れにする


3. 窓の最適化


4. 既製品を選ぶ


5. 2階のバルコニーを避ける




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